The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
CLG: Tuesday Reminder - Market Closes Tonight at 10pm.
Hello Friends,
There’s still time to place your order for pickup this Friday, June 5th. The market closes TONIGHT around 10pm.
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve –
Our Website:
On Facebook:
GFM : Finally Some Rain
Hello Folks,
I hope everyone got the much needed rain. We sure appreciated it here on our farm.
Our Market is now open for orders.
More Fresh Produce should start arriving to the market in a couple of weeks. A few things have started arriving, such an onions, lettuce, carrots and herbs. Baked goods and crafts are available each week. So come on by and meet our vendors.
Thank You,
J. Shelton
Citrus County Locally Grown: June 4th Market
Our growers thank you for supporting local growers and businesses. Your orders make a real difference
Still has Organic Blueberries from Citrus County and of course, Lemon Blueberry Scones and Baby Collards and plenty of Eggs.
Add that GOURMET touch to your salads, wraps, Egg dishes etc. with Microgreens.
Availability on these nutrient dense Microgreens include: Arugula, Bok Choy, Mild Brassica and Radish!
Hydroponically Grown vegetables, mostly in greenhouses, with sun shading this time of year. Environmentally friendly method uses water very sparingly, assisting in conserving that precious resource.
Availability this week includes;
Bok Choy,Collard Greens,*Romaine and Leaf Lettuce, *Swiss Chard.
New this week: *Green Bell Peppers, *Cubanelle and Banana Peppers, *Cherry Tomatoes, *Celery and *Kolrabi.
GLUTEN FREE Breads fresh from the Tampa Bakery delivered just in time for market assuring perfect freshness.
Try the Ancient Grains, Cinnamon & Millet, Millet and Flax, Millet Sourdough, Pumpkin Millet Flax.
Fresh Salmon or maybe some shrimp cooked ahead, cooled and added to a salad.
As an appetizer try some Crab Salad you will not be disappointed.
3 Piece minimum waived
New Flavor: Italian Herb

This week the farm offers a new flavor of Goat Cheese: Italian Herb. They are also waiving the 3 log minimum, so this is an excellent time to try one (or more).
Check out the Mushroom Stroganoff with Goat Cheese in the recipe section.
You can do so much more with these cheeses than just cheese and crackers…Try spreading it on chicken breast or putting it inside a meatloaf. Or spread them on flatbread or top your favorite pizza.
With all these flavors available, you are sure to create something delicious: Garlic Basil, Honey Cranberry Pecan, Chocolate Cherry, Fig Walnut Date, Garlic Cilantro, Herbed Chili Pepper and Plain.
Also, if you’re looking for Goat Milk, this is the place!
RAW Jersey COW MILK is AVAILABLE! Since we need to get your order to the farm on Tuesday, we will stop taking orders for milk, MONDAY NIGHT. Please place your orders early!
Thank you for supporting your On-Line Farmers Market. Your purchases have made a difference to many families
Your CCLG Team
The link below will take you there.*
Like Us on Facebook
Joyful Noise Acres Farm: Don't forget to place your order!
*Georgia Farm to Table *has updated their offerings.
Simply OH has some wonderful sunscreen and body care products for you.
We also have a new shipment of salted and unsalted *cultured butter *(Not listed on the market but available on the farm) and *raw milk cheese *arrived Friday.
Happy shopping!
Mary Beth
Tullahoma Locally Grown: New Products this week
Good Morning!
We have a few new products this week. KIC Produce has Savoy Cabbage, blue and red new potatoes, french fingerling potatoes, summer squash, and Arroyo Lettuce. We got a restock of Hansen’s Honey, available in 2lb, 1lb, and 1/2lb bottles. Solace Farm has listed plenty of her tasty carrots! Frontier Family farms has listed watercress. Fountain Springs Farm chicken and pork are back on the market this week, and still has her Thanksgiving turkey deposits available. Dogwood Valley Green house has new hanging baskets on the market. There are multiple fresh herbs to check out as well.
Get started here: Tullahoma Locally Grown Market
The market closes noon Wednesday. Pickup is Thursday 4:15-6pm at the first Christian church annex on Grundy St.
Superior Seasons: It's Local Food Week! Think Morels, Greens, Rabbit, Flour, ...

Order Now (until 4:30pm!) for Pickup or Delivery Wednesday! We are still offering HOME DELIVERY to Individual customers! Restaurants, Institutions, and other wholesale customers can access delivery with wholesale pricing – ask us how! CLICK HERE, to see what’s available, set up your account, and order.
What’s Featured and New? Click HERE to find morel mushrooms, spring greens mixes, vegetables, meats, syrups, milled products, bath and beauty products, seeds, garden supplies and more!
Read our Recipe section HERE
Thanks for your support and please forward this message on to your friends to help grow the local audience.
Champaign, OH: A Day In The Life
Today, we kick off our weekly series titled, A Day In The Life! (a nod to my love of music/lyrics…a huge dose of love for the vendors of this market)
We begin with the Swisher Hill Herbs story!! Charlene is your assistant market manager!! She keeps me in line, keeps me organized, jumps in when I need her to be me, at times. She hands out the vendor checks, she dispenses “sage” advice, and she shows me support and love, right when I think I don’t need it. She submitted the cutest story that will take you on a fun “tour” of a day in the life at Swisher Hill Herbs!!
Thanks, Charlene…and of course, Joe…her husband and administrative assistant!!
A day on Swisher Hill Herbs:
My name is Ginger, I am a Golden Retriever. I was brought here to this place a scared little puppy 13 years ago. The Male human who picked me out and brought me here, gave me a puppy treat and a bowl of water, sat me on the porch and said This is your Home . As I sat on the steps of the front porch. I was surrounded by wonderful smells, cool loose dirt to dig in, shade trees to sit under, and I could smell the moles, rabbits, chipmunks and other critters that were plentiful. I got off the porch and followed lady human around the house on paths with gardens and flowers everywhere, I learned very quickly. There were Rules! Stay on the path and out of the gardens. I don’t mind this too much because there is plenty of green grass to roll in, paths that go the through the woods where I can investigate and wander around. I am loved and free. I shall call these humans Daddy and The Mama. I would like to tell you about our day here.
The birds start waking us up around 5:30, coffee is on by 6:00 am. By 6:30 Mama and I head off to the gardens, we make a quick stop at the greenhouse to check on plants. Every day is different out here, new plants blooming, new seeds coming up, always new weeds, and critters are everywhere. Critters and protecting these humans is my job Swisher Hill Herbs. I stay in the gardens under a shade tree for about an hour or so, then I wander back up to the house to check on Daddy, Mama joins us for breakfast. After breakfast it’s back to work, Daddy mowing, Mama weeding, planting and harvesting, of course I go around the perimeter of the property to check on critters check mole hills. I am a pretty good mole hunter. But remember what I told you about rules. Don’t bring moles in the house to play with is a big no, no! Another big “NO NO” is going in the secret room in the basement where Daddy and the Mama develop their products. However, I do like to lie outside the door and enjoy all the great smells.
I have learned over the years that my humans have a large extended family of other humans who visit here. Some come briefly and walk the gardens, take pictures and leave. They most always include me in their pictures. Say, if you would like to see a picture of me go to the vendors section of this website, look under Swisher Hill Herbs pictures, that’s me, I am the red hairy dog sitting in the shade watching Daddy mow. Other Humans stay for extended times I call them Family. We all visit and help in the gardens, harvest vegies to cook, pick flowers for the table or take home. I protect them all, especially the little ones.
Thursday, Friday and Saturdays at Swisher Hill Herbs are busy times. It is called Getting ready for Market and Going to the market. I stay out of the way, Daddy and my down time is Thursday afternoons when The Mama goes to the Virtual market. On Friday humans pack the car with all kinds of herbs and flowers dried and fresh. Saturday They are gone for a few hours. But they always come back to be with me.
We are going to have a Swisher Hill Herb open house here in July on a Sunday, we would like to invite you all to come. But you have to stay on the paths, we will have a sample table of good herb dishes made with our herb products. Learn about herbs and how easy they are to grow. You will understand why I will never leave this place Called Swisher hill Herbs
Swisher Hill Herbs is located approx. miles east of Urbana, Ohio on Swisher Road. This has been a family owned business since 1981. Originally owned my mother Virginia Moore and me. We began plant herb gardens to educate ourselves and help introduce the uses of herbs to our customers. These gardens consist of both formal display beds, conventional plots and raised beds of herbs, flowers and vegetables. It was because of our love of herbs and all their virtues that prompted us to start blending all of our own herb seasonings, dips, butters, spreads and sauces. We made potpourri, herbal bath product and conducted classes on herb related subjects.
Swisher Hill Herbs is owned and operated today by Joe and Charlene Stapleton. This family owned business still continues the tradition of introducing herbs and herb related products to the public. All of our herb blends are salt free, no preservatives, and no msg. We have a small greenhouse to grow our herb plants and gardens to sell fresh cut herbs in season. We are consistently experimenting with flavors introduce to our customers.
The little Herb Shop is no longer open. We sell our products instead through Champaign County Farmers Market and this Virtual Market.
Princeton Farm Fresh: The Market is Open
I am again reminded of the wonders of nature as I am seeding and planting vegetables and flowers for the coming months of production. I love how magical it is to plant a seed and just a few days later watch it sprout up over the dirt to reach the sun. For me this is the best part. I feel that I have dabbled my hand with nature and brought this tiny seedling into the world. Corny right? I lived in a mid size town and we did not plant things in kindergarten. I did not grow up on a farm or planting gardens. I wish I had, maybe I would have figured out what I wanted to be when I grew up a little before I turned 40. If I had, maybe I would know how to keep rabbits and deer from eating all of my plants that I have taken so much care to plant, and just maybe I would know how to identify the part that I need when I go to the farm store to figure out my latest problem on the farm. We are still enjoying the process of learning here on our farm, and there is so much to learn. Thank you for your words of encouragement each week as we bring you local food.
See you on Friday,
Heirloom Living Market Lilburn: Have you placed your order? Market Closes at 8:00pm
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
We now have another payment option available. Please call me before Thursday and I will discuss the other option with you and answer any questions. You can reach me at 404-432-4337. Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Orders have been low for Cedar Rock Dairy over the last month. Consistency is key. The cows don’t stop producing milk just because we forgot to order! Sam Jones and his helpers work very hard and travel several hours in order for us to enjoy the healthy and wonderful milk produced by his tested A2 cows. These girls enjoy grazing on 1200 of organic pastures and producing milk!
Unfortunately, if our orders don’t increase we stand to lose this great Farmer and the healthy goodness he provides. The quality and taste of the milk produced by Sam’s cows is undeniable!
Offerings you
definitely want to check out…
Welcome Back! Krista and George Jones of Cedar Seeder (now called High Garden Center), are back with their Microgreens! Be sure and check out their offerings! Additional items will be available in the coming weeks!
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm has outstanding grass-fed Meats! On Special this week: Smoked Turkey Wings, Lamb Shoulder Roast (this is a great deal!) Pork Shanks have SOLD OUT! Also, you will see that Greg has listed an opportunity to pre-order Holiday Hams. Please know that this is normal if you order Local, Pastured-Raised, Grass-fed Meats. It takes time to grow out the animals! There is no “last minute” shopping! I am sure that Pre-Orders for Holiday Turkeys are right around the corner. Last year, I received numerous calls a starting a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving (and again at Christmas) from folks who wanted Turkey and/or Ham. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread provides us with delicious traditional wheat based Organic Baked Goods! From Challah, Sourdough, Ezekiel and other yummy Breads to Sweet Breads, Cookies, Jams and Jellies, Cheese Dips and Pasta Salads, Dabrielle is passionate about quality! Be sure and get your order in before close of Market!
Marie of Bakery on Brooks will be back next week!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great veggies! See the great variety in her offerings.
Vicky of Fry Farm has: Baby Fennel, Napa Cabbage, Rainbow Carrots, Leeks, Romaine Lettuce, Radishes and Turnips! Our very own Sarah Rockey is helping out at Fry Farm this year!
Doug of Doug’s Garden is back with his Garden Boxes! This week it is ‘Spring Vegetables and Herbs! In the history of the Market, Doug’s Veggie Boxes have always been a great hit with Market Members! I expect the same this year. Always a great variety and LOTS of yummy veggies and herbs! Look for them weekly. Doug is also offering: Whole Garlic, Leaf Lettuce Salad Mix, Spicy Salad Mix and Buttercrunch Lettuce!
Grow With the Flow owned Reggie and Roger Ramos are offering: Cabbage Leaves, Collard Greens, Ovation Salad Mix, Butter Gem Lettuce and Romaine Lettuce.
Did you know that Carrell Farms will not be at any of the Traditional Farmer Markets this year? You can find their Water Buffalo and Alpaca products here! Shalley’s line of Natural/Good For You Soaps, Lotions, Lip Balms and more can also be found in their offerings!
The Veggie Patch is offering: Fruit Seedlings, Herb Seedlings, Veggie Seedlings. These will not be available much longer, so order now! Also offering: Fresh Herbs, Medicinal Herbs, Sauces, Pickles and lots of fresh Veggies. Be sure and check out all of their items!
Kathy Barnes of So-Koi, our resident Seamtress, Lilburn Market Coordinator and provider of some pantry items has added “Kool-Aids” to her offerings! These are neck scarves that you soak in cool water and place around your neck – there are special little beady-thingies that plump up and help keep you cool! Fabulous! And they work — just ask Sarah, Bethe or Maryanne who were lucky enough to get the first ones!
I have been using the Produce Bags and cannot believe how well it keeps my Greens and Veggies! These are a must for Greens!
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
Peacefield Farm
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
Order now since you are just a click way!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill: Have you ordered yet?
Market Closes at 8:00pm TONIGHT!
Thank you to those who have already placed orders!
We now have another payment option available. Please call me prior to Market pickup and I will discuss the other option with you and answer any questions. You can reach me at 404-432-4337. Please be assured that we are doing everything we can to provide you with what you want from the local Farmers/Growers and Producers; but, please understand that Buying Local means supporting those who are committed to providing ‘Local’!
Orders have been low for Cedar Rock Dairy over the last month. Consistency is key. The cows don’t stop producing milk just because we forgot to order! Sam Jones and his helpers work very hard and travel several hours in order for us to enjoy the healthy and wonderful milk produced by his tested A2 cows. These girls enjoy grazing on 1200 of organic pastures and producing milk!
Unfortunately, if our orders don’t increase we stand to lose this great Farmer and the healthy goodness he provides. The quality and taste of the milk produced by Sam’s cows is undeniable!
Offerings you
definitely want to check out…
Welcome Back! Krista and George Jones of Cedar Seeder (now called High Garden Center), are back with their Microgreens! Be sure and check out their offerings! Additional items will be available in the coming weeks!
Greg Hutchins of Heritage Farm has outstanding grass-fed Meats! On Special this week: Smoked Turkey Wings, Lamb Shoulder Roast (this is a great deal!) Pork Shanks have SOLD OUT! Also, you will see that Greg has listed an opportunity to pre-order Holiday Hams. Please know that this is normal if you order Local, Pastured-Raised, Grass-fed Meats. It takes time to grow out the animals! There is no “last minute” shopping! I am sure that Pre-Orders for Holiday Turkeys are right around the corner. Last year, I received numerous calls a starting a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving (and again at Christmas) from folks who wanted Turkey and/or Ham. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
Dabrielle of My Daily Bread provides us with delicious traditional wheat based Organic Baked Goods! From Challah, Sourdough, Ezekiel and other yummy Breads to Sweet Breads, Cookies, Jams and Jellies, Cheese Dips and Pasta Salads, Dabrielle is passionate about quality! Be sure and get your order in before close of Market!
Marie of Bakery on Brooks will be back next week!
Burnell Farms is going strong bringing us some great veggies! See the great variety in her offerings.
Vicky of Fry Farm has: Baby Fennel, Napa Cabbage, Rainbow Carrots, Leeks, Romaine Lettuce, Radishes and Turnips! Our very own Sarah Rockey is helping out at Fry Farm this year!
Doug of Doug’s Garden is back with his Garden Boxes! This week it is ‘Spring Vegetables and Herbs! In the history of the Market, Doug’s Veggie Boxes have always been a great hit with Market Members! I expect the same this year. Always a great variety and LOTS of yummy veggies and herbs! Look for them weekly. Doug is also offering: Whole Garlic, Leaf Lettuce Salad Mix, Spicy Salad Mix and Buttercrunch Lettuce!
Grow With the Flow owned Reggie and Roger Ramos are offering: Cabbage Leaves, Collard Greens, Ovation Salad Mix, Butter Gem Lettuce and Romaine Lettuce.
Did you know that Carrell Farms will not be at any of the Traditional Farmer Markets this year? You can find their Water Buffalo and Alpaca products here! Shalley’s line of Natural/Good For You Soaps, Lotions, Lip Balms and more can also be found in their offerings!
The Veggie Patch is offering: Fruit Seedlings, Herb Seedlings, Veggie Seedlings. These will not be available much longer, so order now! Also offering: Fresh Herbs, Medicinal Herbs, Sauces, Pickles and lots of fresh Veggies. Be sure and check out all of their items!
Kathy Barnes of So-Koi, our resident Seamtress, Lilburn Market Coordinator and provider of some pantry items has added “Kool-Aids” to her offerings! These are neck scarves that you soak in cool water and place around your neck – there are special little beady-thingies that plump up and help keep you cool! Fabulous! And they work — just ask Sarah, Bethe or Maryanne who were lucky enough to get the first ones!
I have been using the Produce Bags and cannot believe how well it keeps my Greens and Veggies! These are a must for Greens!
Back River Farm
Burnell Farms
Doug’s Garden
Fry Farm
Grow with the Flow
Peacefield Farm
The Veggie Patch
Cedar Rock Dairy (Cow)
Little Tots Estate (Goat)
Rocky Acres
Little Tots Estate (Organic, Soy Free, pastured chickens) on Farmers’ Sale Table only
Bakery on Brooks (Gluten Free/Organic)
My Daily Bread (Organic)
Grass Fed Meats
Carrell Farms
Heritage Farm
Cedar Seeder
Natural Products
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Low Low Knows Bones
Handmade Items
Carrell Farms
Dances With Bees
Peacefield Farm
My Daily Bread
Markets close at 8:00pm Monday. Please remember that minimums must be met for each Market to ensure delivery by our Farmers! Be sure and get your order in and thank you for supporting our LOCAL Farmers!
Pickup at Crossfit Market
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (later by appt only!)
Pickup Location: Crossfit O-Zone
519 Hurricane Shoals Road NE
Lawrenceville, GA 30046
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday, 4:30pm – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road, SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Thank you for taking the time to read this bit of information!
Order now since you are just a click way!