The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
ALFN Local Food Club: The Market is Open and Welcome Kyle!
Good Morning Food Club,
The market is open and ready for ordering!
I’m also SO excited to give a big Food Club welcome to our brand new Program and Market Manager, Kyle Holton! Kyle will be replacing Rebecca and myself as staff, but don’t you worry, I still plan on being heavily involved on the ALFN Board. It’s been an honor to serve as Director of Operations for the last year and a half, but it was time for me to find something full-time, and I’m happy to announce I’m the new Grants Foundation Coordinator at the Arkansas Foodbank. Anyways, I really am excited to welcome Kyle, and I know you all will be too. Thanks for all that you do to support small, sustainable, Arkansas farms.
Alex Handfinger
Thanks for the introduction Alex. I’m elated to be joining the ALFN community this year, and I look forward to meeting all of our growers, cooks, foodies, locavores, and the general hungry human. Look for me next Saturday at pick up; I’d love to meet you. For most of my adult life, my family and I ate from a local food market in Mozambique as we worked for a local non-profit. I learned to understand the human and biological roots of my own survival. From my perspective, eating food cultivated by our regional neighbors grounds our taste buds. ALFN is one of those wonderful organizations that help reestablish the connection between food and local economies.
After you’ve filled the belly of your food plans this week, check out the online nursery of plants available. Spring is in full force, and we have a number of locally germinated heirloom veggies, herbs, flowers and even some fruit trees. We’ve got everything from Arkansas Traveler Tomatoes to Pineberry Strawberries to ‘Aureus’ Hops to Buddha’s Hand Citron trees. Buy a plant, get dirt under your fingernails, and green your thumb…you may even find Nirvana in your backyard.
Kyle Holton
Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville : Market is Open! Come on in...
The Market is now Open…Happy Shopping!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (after hours by appointment only)
Pickup Location: Crossfit Ozone
519 Hurricane Shoals Rd., Suite J
Lawrenceville, GA 30046

“Like” us on facebook!
Take me to the Market.
McColloms Market: May FFFN Order is Now Open
Hi All:
The order is now open until Monday at 5. The pick up will be next Wed. from 4:30 – 6:45 at my house.
Enjoy this gorgeous weekend.
Joyful Noise Acres Farm: The market is open for ordering.
Good morning. I am sure many of you are heading out to enjoy this string of beautiful days so get those orders in now so you don’t forget.
We are very excited to welcome Lois Dewey of Weedy Soil Farm to our market. Her farm is Certified Naturally Grown and located in Cumming. For those of us that have been waiting for beautiful spring greens, she is offering Kale and Swiss Chard this week.
Fresh herbs are available this week also, apple mint, spearmint, oregano and parsley.
We look forward to seeing you Wednesday and thank you for supporting local growers and artisans.
Mary Beth
CLG: CLG Pickup TODAY 4-6pm. & SPECIAL NOTE on Toad Suck Daze
Just a reminder that much of Downtown Conway will be closed off for Toad Suck Daze so please avoid that area when coming for pickup today.
Good morning,
This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. Thank you for your order! You can pick up your order from 4:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. today at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.
If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick up for you.
Remember to bring your glass jars for recycling, egg cartons, and bags for ordered items. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon.
Come early for the best selection from the EXTRAS table!
Thank you,
How to contact us:
Phone or text: Steve – 501-339-1039
Email: Steve –
Our Website:
On Facebook:
Champaign, OH: We Are Gonna Be Friends
I can tell that we are gonna be friends…
Yes, I can tell that we are gonna be friends…
(We’re Going To Be Friends- White Stripes)
So many nights, after we close the Thursday portion of the market, I like to kick back, have a nice glass of wine, listen to tunes, and gather my thoughts about the upcoming weekend, the upcoming week, and this market. I always have tunes in the background, wine glass, some sort of dinner groovin’, and many times catching up with friends via Facebook.
Tonight, I got in a bit late, poured a glass of wine, put on some acoustic tunes, and this one popped up. I love the original version of this, I Love when Jack White performs it as a bluegrass, funky acoustic.
Anyway, the story of the lyrics about knowing that the duo with sweet Suzy Lee are going to become the best of friends, makes me think of this little local market of love, the underlying meaning of friendship, of a love for each other, of a lifelong dedication to all that is local. Of a support system of market, vendors, customers, managers, the YMCA…we all come together to bring you such a bond of friendship, of love, that once we all become one with the market, and each other, we cannot let it go.
It’s not just a market. It’s not just about being local. It’s not just about the vendors or the products. It’s a bigger picture. The reason we are all so dedicated, in one way or another.
The trust, the bond, the simplistic lovely friendship of it all. We all share this bond. We are all in this little local market of love…
We are entering into or fourth season. We have grown, we continue to grow, we have no plans on stopping or slowing.
I can tell that we all are gonna be friends. It’s what this market does. It brings us all so close that we are gonna be friends.
I am opening the market, once again, for the upcoming week. Get those orders in! Show us your love, your bond, your friendship…because I can tell that we are gonna be friends…
Peace, Love, Good Vibes…
Cosmic Pam
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Reminder: Place your order today before 5pm!
Per the survey, many of you have requested that I send a reminder on Sundays before the market closes so you’ll remember to order.
I will do my best try to remember to send this weekly on Sundays :-)
Have a wonderful day,
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Market is OPEN for orders! Group Buy Grass Fed Cheese
The market is now open for ordering!
GROUP BUY Grass Fed Cheese THIS WEEKEND! Expect to pick up group buy item in 2 weeks (not this Tuesday).
If you do NOT receive a confirmation email immediately after you placed your order, then your items are still in your cart and your order is not complete. All orders must be placed by 5pm on Sunday.
Pick up is on Tuesday at 4942 Austin Park Avenue, Buford 30518 from 1pm to 6:45 pm.
We take checks, cash, credit card and Dwolla
If you are planning to pay using Dwolla please make sure your deposit includes the 25 cents fee. For example, if your order total is $22.50 make your deposit for $22.75.
Please make sure you understand our pick up policy before you order.
Have a blessed weekend!
Superior Seasons: Early Spring brings Greens and Syrups

Order Now (until 4:30pm!) for Pickup or Delivery Saturday! We are still offering HOME DELIVERY to Individual customers! Restaurants, Institutions, and other wholesale customers can access delivery with wholesale pricing – ask us how! CLICK HERE, to see what’s available, set up your account, and order. Help push us over 500 members!
What’s Featured and New? Click HERE to find spring greens mixes, vegetables, meats, syrups, milled products, bath and beauty products, seeds, garden supplies and more!
Read our Recipe section HERE
Thanks for your support and please forward this message on to your friends to help grow the local audience.
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: News: Group Buy Grass Fed Cheese

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op
Our Website:
Pick Up Location: 4942 Austin Park Avenue, Buford GA 30518 on Tuesdays
Like Us on Facebook: Suwanee Whole Life Co-op
Have a question for other co-op members
Submit questions on our Google Group Discussion Board:!forum/suwanee-whole-life-co-op
Group Buy :Grass Fed Cheese
This weekend we will be taking orders for grass-fed cheese from Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese, Jason Wiebe Dairy, and Landmark Dairy (Johanna).
Low Temp Pasteurized and Raw Milk Cheeses will be available.
Kenny’s Farmhouse Cheese and Jason Wiebe Dairy are 2 creameries I’ve worked with for a while. One of our members, Johanna, purchased raw milk cheese (Landmark Brand Mild Cheddar) from Azure Standard and accidentally purchased 4 cases instead of 4 pounds. I’m trying to help her unload her extra.
I’ve asked the cheese makers to put “(Raw Milk Cheese)” in the title if it is raw milk cheese aged 60 days according to FDA regulation. All other cheeses are low temp pasteurized.
Raw milk cheese that is listed on the market is safe for human consumption and is aged at least 60 days per FDA regulation.*
Prices and available sizes will be on the market website tomorrow for ordering. The pricing will include shipping and taxes/fees.
The cheese will NOT be available for pick up this Tuesday. Please allow at least 2 weeks. I will email you when it is available for pick up.
- Cows Raised without synthetic hormones
- Cows are grass-fed and raised on pasture
- Old World, Handmade Cheese making Techniques
- Cheeses made with non-homogenized low temp pasteurized or raw milk and aged at least 60 days to comply with the USDA regulations for raw milk cheese production
- Vegetable-based rennet, to make it more acceptable to vegetarians
- Cheeses that are not considered raw are pasteurized at the lowest legal temperature for 15 seconds
See Kenny’s and Jason’s website for more detailed information about their process:
Benefits of Grass-Fed Cheese
- One of the few foods that contains a perfect balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fats, a ratio ideal for your health
- Very high in CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) In fact, it contains five times more CLA than dairy from grain-fed cows! CLA, which are most abundant in grass-fed products, are among the most potent cancer fighters in all foods.
- Considerably higher in beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin D, and vitamin E than cheese and other dairy from grain-fed sources
- High in the healthy calcium and protein your body needs
- Free from growth hormones and antibiotics
Market News
HoneyBerry Naturals
I hope everyone that picked up on Tuesday enjoyed their sample of laundry butter from Sherry Morris of HoneyBerry Naturals. Due to your survey feedback she is currently developing a line of all natural, non- toxic cleaners. Look for those on them market site in the upcoming months. Her Handcrafted Laundry Butter is currently on the website. and is safe for top loader and HE machines.
Group Buy from last week- FCLO & Grass Fed Collagen
If you purchased our group buy from last week (Green Pasture FCLO and/or Great Lakes Collagen) they will be available this Tuesday (5/5) for pick up. If you missed the group buy last week I ordered a couple extra and they will be listed on the market until they are sold out. You’ll find them in the GROUP BUYS section of the website.
Butter from Southern Swiss Dairy
They are making more and as soon we can get some it will be listed on the market. It’s currently shown as “sold out”. I will immediately let you all know as soon as they have more. They expect to have more next week. They thank you for your patience!
HELP! We need Volunteers!!
Please consider volunteering. I can’t run the co-op without your help.
THANK YOU Mollie, Caleb, Pam, Chuck, Marianna, and Vicki for helping out last Tuesday! We couldn’t run the co-op without your support!
If you are interested in volunteering to help at pick up, I have created a volunteer sign up on Signup Genius. I am asking for volunteers to sign up for 1 hour shifts from 2p to 6:45 pm. No packing is involved just need someone to be there to assist other members. You are welcome to bring your kids as long as they are supervised. Here is the link to the sign up
The link is also posted on the About page on our website.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Upcoming Group Buys
Below is a list of upcoming co-op group buys to help with planning and budgeting. All dates are subject to change.
Grass Fed Cheese – 5/1 – 5/3
Vital Choice (Wild Caught Seafood Only) – 5/15 – 5/17
Fermented Cod Liver Oil- Green Pasture – 5/22 -4/24
Sorghum Syrup – 5/29 -5/31
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!