The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Northeast Georgia Locally Grown: Northeast Georgia Locallygrown Availability list for April 17
The market is now open for orders.
Statesboro Market2Go: The market is open!
Strawberries, carrots, garden peas, sugar snaps, fava beans, and so much more – be sure to order this week!!!
Independence,VA: The MArket is open for orders to be picked up April 24th
Friends of the Market,
The online market will be open this coming Friday, April 24th and May 1st and then we move back to the REAL Market at Independence Town Park on May 8th!
Thanks for shopping on-line this winter.
Here are the links:
you can also get there from the newly redesigned webpage,
Augusta Locally Grown: Weblog Entry
SATURDAY, APRIL 25 … We are truly honored to be the nonprofit beneficiary of this amazing & whimsical event. It’s all about kayaking/local food/local music and good, clean fun. Founder Kristina Williams has outdone herself with the addition of giant lawn games for our 4th annual. Oh, and there will be a beer garden to match. We are blessed with the dozens and dozens of volunteers who have signed up to make it all happen. Psyched to have the Soul City Sirens helping with land logistics. Grateful that Escape Outdoors has donated a beautiful paddleboard to raffle. Appreciative for the food donations & discounts we’ve received from farmers for river sampling. And thrilled that Slow Food CSR will be vending some pretty fantastic local food at the festival. So, go find yourself a river-worthy vessel, sign up, and support Augusta Locally Grown!
Also going on at ALG:
SAT, APR 18 – COMMUNITY COMPOST START-UP WITH G.R.O.W. HARRISBURG AT THE ICEBOX MINISTRIES CAMPUS … What happens when you combine alpaca poo, mushroom waste and sun-dried hydrilla from the canal? We’re about to find out! Come help us prepare a community compost area on our soon-to-be urban farm education center in Augusta. Text Kim at 706-288-7895 to sign up to help. 9am-12noon. Bring your work gloves and water bottle. Big hugs to GRU Biology/Urban Ecology professor Dr. Donna Wear for advising! More hugs to Buena Vista Fiber Farm and Honey Creek Mushroom Farm for their contributions.
SAT, APR 18 – ALPACA SHEARING DEMO AT BUENA VISTA FARM … You are invited to watch the alpacas get a woolcut at Buena Vista Farm in Beech Island, SC. Learn about the fiber arts and share a grilled lunch. Free. Email farmer John Tolley to reserve your spot and get directions:
TUE, APR 21 – “MY MARKET CLUB” STARTS AT THE VEGGIE TRUCK FARMERS MARKET … ALG is honored to be selected by Georgia Organics as a “My Market Club” participant. This program welcomes newcomers to our farmers markets with a $5 market token, with subsequent rewards for 2nd and 3rd visits. Repeat customers are also rewarded with a chance to win our monthly market gift basket. Every Tuesday, across from the Kroc Center. And yes! — we double EBT!!!
THU, APR 23 – “MY MARKET CLUB” STARTS AT THE EVANS TOWNE FARMERS MARKET … Many thanks to our board member and market ambassador Kisha Burke for making the My Market Club happen at both markets. The Evans Towne Farmers Market is held every Thursday, 4:30pm-7pm, behind the Columbia County Library. Cooking demos, live music, kids culinary activities, wonderful company. And yes! – we double EBT too!
SUN, APR 26 – GREASE! ALG student intern Tabias W. is performing in A.R.C.’s musical production of Grease in Augusta. ALG has received a donation to purchase 10 tickets; we’ll be giving them out first-come, first-serve for Sunday’s performance. Come fill the auditorium with us! Email to get yours.
SAT-SUN, MAY 2-3 – LOW DOWN THROW DOWN … Honored and flat out stoked that ALG has been selected as the nonprofit beneficiary of the Soul City Sirens Roller Derby tournament this May Day weekend. Come throw a few back, get in touch with your inner queen and support the local foods movement. Proceeds will go to our FVRx program for women and their children. Tourney runs 8am-8pm, both days, at the Columbia County Exhibition Center in Grovetown. Visit And yes, we’re looking for a few kickin’ volunteers to run our booth too!
SAT-SUN, MAY 2-3 – ICEBOX MINISTRIES MAY DAY PLAY DAY … There are amazing things happening in local foods on Fenwick Street in Harrisburg. At the center of it are the good folks of Icebox Ministries and other partners of G.R.O.W. Harrisburg. Come join us in a two-day renovation of an old florist shop at Icebox Ministries’ new urban campus. We’ll use it as a teaching kitchen for the Fruit & Veggie Rx program this summer. Okay, so this might sound like more of a “work day” than a “play day” … but believe me … it’s all fun. Work starts at 9am each day and goes til we’re exhausted. Painting, flooring, general cleaning up. Email to volunteer.
SAT, MAY 2 – SOUTHERN MADE, STORE GRAND OPENING … Congratulations to three local farmers for announcing the grand opening of their new fiber arts store “Southern Made” on Sat, May 2, 10am-5:30pm. Located at 1808 Broad Street, Augusta. Come see what it’s all about with Hard Earth Farm of Modoc, SC, Phoenix Farm Fiber in Beech Island, SC and Bella Luna Sheep & Wool Farm of Washington, GA.
FRI & SAT, MAY 22-23 – SHADOW BBQ RETURNS! – This local competition bbq team will again compete in “BANJO-B-QUE,” a nationally-sanctioned event in Evans! Better yet, they feature local meats from local farmers while also promoting Augusta Locally Grown. ALG board president Amy Sutter and her hubby Patrick head it all up! Save this date, buy your tickets and GO SHADOW BBQ!!!
SUN, MAY 31 – FAMILY FARM DAY … Come meet your farmers at Clyde’s Fresh Produce in Grovetown. Show up anytime between 2pm-6pm to see the goings on at this bio-diverse local farm. Seasonal samples and young farm animals make it all the more fun. Save the date.
MON, JUNE I – RAINWATER WORKSHOP FOR URBAN VEGGIE GARDENS … Join us for another “pop up” food-growing workshop. This one will be held at Bottle Tree Farm in Augusta. Instructors Candace & Nate Zukas will share the nitty gritty details of their own rain barrel system, which waters their beautiful urban farmette. 5:30pm-7pm. $5/person. This one will sell out fast!
TUE, JUNE 2 – FRUIT & VEGGIE RX … Augusta Locally Grown is truly honored to be a partner in the Fruit & Veggie Rx pilot project, a first-ever for the Southeast! The pilot will be hosted and coordinated by the Harrisburg Family Healthcare clinic, funded and designed by Wholesome Wave Georgia, educationally enhanced by Icebox Ministries, academically enhanced by Emory University, held together by Good Neighbor Ministries/St. Luke UMC, and made real by medical student volunteers from MCG. Augusta Locally Grown is the project’s cheerleader. June 2 is the project’s kick-off date! Your donations would be very much appreciated.
SUN, JUN 14 — BLUEBERRY PICK YOUR OWN DAY … Grateful to include the farmers at Herb & Berries Farm of Montmorenci, SC, (near Aiken) in our mix. We’ll join forces with them in June to host a pick-your-own morning. Attendance is free; self-picked blueberries cost a 2.50/lb. Come early; beat the heat. More details soon!
TBA IN JULY — BUCKET GARDENING with Stephanie, at Bucket Lady Farm in Augusta!
SUN, OCT 4 — FARM TO PARK DINNER FEATURING CHEF CHARLEEN — Save the date for what will surely be the biggest farm to table event that Augusta’s ever seen! Chef Charleen of Culinary Connections will feature local foods at this Pendleton King Park fundraiser… and ALG will help! Farmers: contact Chef Charleen to feature your special something in this one-of-a-kind event.
Heirloom Living Market Lawrenceville : Market is Open!
The Market is now Open…Happy Shopping!
Thank you for your cooperation in adapting to the new Market hours!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30pm – 5:30pm (after hours by appointment only)
Pickup Location: Crossfit Ozone
519 Hurricane Shoals Rd., Suite J
Lawrenceville, GA 30046

“Like” us on facebook!
Take me to the Market.
Heirloom Living Market Hamilton Mill: Market is Open!
The Market is now open…Happy Shopping!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 2:30 – 4:30pm
Pickup Location:
Hamilton Mill Community Clubhouse
1669 Hamilton Mill Parkway
Dacula, GA 30019
Click Here for Map
Thank you for your support!
See you at Market on Thursday!
See you at Market on Thursday!

“Like” us on facebook!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Heirloom Living Market Lilburn: Market is Open!
The Market is now open for ordering…Happy Shopping!
Pickup Day and Time: Thursday 4:30 – 6:30pm
Pickup Location: All Saints Lutheran Church
722 Rockbridge Road SW
Lilburn, GA 30047
Click Here for Map
Thank you for your support!
See you at Market on Thursday!
See you at Market on Thursday!

“Like” us on facebook!
BUY LOCAL ~ Know your Farmer!
Joyful Noise Acres Farm: Time to buy groceries.
The on line market is open for ordering.
This week we have many delicious baked goods, fresh bacon and sausage, loads of fresh beef in the freezer, a fresh shipment of organic butter and fresh herbs are coming in.
When cooking with fresh herbs, you will use more than if they were dried, but if you still have some left, let them dry on the lowest setting of your oven with the door cracked. Allow to cool then place in a sealable jar. Do not crush the leaves until you are ready to use the herb. They will retain more of the flavor.
Blessings and thank you for supporting locally grown.
Mary Beth
Joyful Noise Acres Farm
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Market is OPEN for orders! Group Buy Maple Syrup last weekend to order
The market is now open for ordering!
Click link to take you to the market:
Group Buy Maple Syrup Grade B – We order only once a year so don’t miss out.
If you do NOT receive a confirmation email immediately after you placed your order, then your items are still in your cart and your order is not complete. All orders must be placed by 5pm on Sunday.
Pick up is on Tuesday at 4942 Austin Park Avenue, Buford 30518 from 1pm to 6:45 pm.
We take checks, cash, credit card and Dwolla
If you are planning to pay using Dwolla please make sure your deposit includes the 25 cents fee. For example, if your order total is $22.50 make your deposit for $22.75.
Please make sure you understand our pick up policy before you order.
Have a blessed weekend!
Champaign, OH: Moondance
Well, it’s a marvelous night for a moon dance…
With the stars up above in your eyes…
Have any of you been outside, this evening, enjoying the warm air, the sounds of spring, the late night light in the sky? This is my kind of perfect evening. Just the first hint of the warm weather seasons, the kind of evening that feels like anything is possible, and the soft breeze that makes you look up to the sky, and want to just twirl around and dance…a moon dance…
On this lovely evening, I would like to thank my lovely market assistants for holding down the market!! I was able to spend a bit of time packing for a weekend get away that will reunite me and a whole lot of sorority sisters in Lexington!! For me, it’s not a simple task of packing and leaving. I need to make sure all of the restaurants are covered, too. So, early, early, I need to have my baking bandana on, and ready for action, as I finish what I started, tonight. Then, I will be out the door to see the girls who helped make me who I am, today…
But, first, I am opening the market, and welcoming back JC Growers, Little Farms, and soon to be back…End Of The Road Farms!! Also, in the coming weeks, we will welcome back Harrigan’s Harvest as Beth bring us her amazing asparagus!!!
And…don’t forget to take advantage of the live plants and lovely herbs that are listed!! They won’t be around for long so get them for your planting needs!!
Also, I would like to bid farewell to our lovely gluten free baker, Bree…Bree is a busy mom of a toddler, is getting ready for the upcoming farmer’s market season, and needed to take a step back from this market…Thanks, Bree!! And, much luck in your next adventure!!
Exciting times in this little local market of love…make sure to get to know us…you will fall in love with the ease, the affordability, the nutrition, the trust, and in local!
See you all when I return…
Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam